£480.00 GBP

3 monthly payments

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BrainGym: PQ® Sprint

Pay-as-You-Train: 3 payments of £480 (incl VAT)

Take the first step towards transforming your life – join BrainGym today and power your full potential

What you'll get:

  • Core Mental Muscle Training (6-weeks)
  • PQ App access (1-year)
  • Library of resources (1-year access)
  • Customised Mental Fitness Plan
  • Coaching & Accountability
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • BONUS! Pay in full and receive 2 x 1:1 Money Mindset Strategy Sessions (value: £1,000)

Experience a difference within 30-days, or we'll give your money back. No questions asked.

What People Are Saying:

I've applied PQ and what I've learned in BrainGym across every aspect of my life. I can think of a thousand times where I've used PQ just today 😂. I'm able to re-focus my mind in the moment and I don't react to negative triggers the way I did before.

Tracy Johnson

Loving the PQ App! It’s soooo quick to do, which makes it a no brainer 🙏🏼 I also felt mega chill yesterday which is rarely the case 😂

Lisa Matzi

I’m really enjoying BrainGym. It's helping me respond positively to tough situations. It's easier to notice when my saboteurs show up and get in my way. I have a new sense of hope and I’m so thankful.

Caroline Yawa Ada

I'm loving it! The training is very doable - I actually look forward to doing it everyday. There's been a positive shift in how I talk and think about the things that used to bring out my inner critic. I have more empathy for myself and less judgement.

Marisa Lopez

PQ has been fantastic. I have learnt to engage and connect with others on a more meaningful level which in turn has helped me to improve my relationships both in the work place and in my personal life.

Tom Goldsmith | Head of Development Consultancy | Copping Joyce Surveyors

It was surprisingly easy to fit into my day. I tend to wake up several times and each time, I did my PQ breathing and I felt calm and easily fell asleep again. Don't hesitate to join - just do it!

François Souyri | Founder & Microsoft Coach

I loved it! I was transformed in ways I couldn't have expected.

Michelle Wallon | International Development Consultant & Writer

My life genuinely feels easier. I have more fun at home and less stress at work. My focus through the roof. Even my kids love it

Liana Fricker | Founder

Since joining BrainGym, I’ve been absolutely fearless. The quick-fix exercises are a game-changer. Highly recommend.

Maisie Nicholls | Founder & EMDR Therapist

I thought I knew a lot of this stuff already, but this is game changing. Easy to fit into my working day. 100% recommend.

Katherine Ray | Founder & Director