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Client Case Study: Aga Kehinde, Small Business Founder

bootstrapping case study founder stories news Mar 03, 2024

Meet Aga Kehinde, a nurse and aspiring entrepreneur who struggled with confusion and a lack of direction in her business.

But thanks to New Beginnings, Aga clarified her vision and values for her business, learned frameworks to solve business problems and accelerated her confidence.

Aga Kehinde is an Oncology Nurse and mindset and behaviour coach who has been providing health and wellbeing strategies for over 20 years.

Her experience as a clinical nurse specialist in oncology and oncology research led her to explore the field of coaching and develop her unique approach to stress management that uses a full body-mind-energy experience.

In this interview, she shares her experience with business mentorship and how it helped her clarify her vision and develop a solid plan for her coaching practice.



Inspiration Space: How did you get involved with the Inspiration Space and what inspired you to join their New Beginnings program?

Aga: I joined the Inspiration Space because I was seeking a supportive community of like-minded individuals who could aid in growing my coaching practice.

I was also looking for a knowledgeable business mentor who could assist me in creating a comprehensive and successful business plan.

New Beginnings  caught my attention due to its promise of helping me validate my business ideas, minimise potential risks, and foster relationships with fellow entrepreneurs and mentors.


Inspiration Space: Can you describe the challenges you were facing before joining the Inspiration Space?

Aga: Before New Beginnings, I was struggling with confusion and a lack of direction in my business.

I was looking at things that other people were doing rather than focusing on my own strengths.

I was trying to do a little bit of everything to help women in business, including addressing stress and anxiety and helping people going through big life challenges.

My background is in clinical settings as a nurse and medical coach, so I was using that to try to solve these problems, but it wasn't really helping my business.


IS: How were you trying to work through these challenges before joining the Inspiration Space?

Aga: I was trying to work through these challenges by looking at trends and people I aspired to be like and copying their successes. I wanted to be like them and do what they were doing, and I was conducting myself and my business based on that approach.


IS: How has the Inspiration Space helped you?

Aga: The New Beginnings program helped me in many ways through a multi-layered approach. I was able to create a vision for my business, design a path that felt best for me, and learn frameworks that I still use to solve business problems.

The Inspiration Space challenged me in a way that helped me move forward rather than feeling overwhelmed and fearful. It connected me to like-minded people who helped me in a positive way, without the need for comparison.

Through working with Pam in one-to-one sessions, I was able to better understand my own abilities and the market I was working in, and participating in the group with others allowed me to reflect on my own journey as an entrepreneur.


IS: What specific benefits have you gained from the program?

Aga: I have been able to clarify my vision and values for my business, leverage my unique skills and expertise, save time by reducing my focus on social media, develop a program aimed at larger companies, improve my understanding of my own abilities and the market, and increase my confidence in entrepreneurship.


IS: Can you tell us more about the program aimed at larger companies that you are developing?

Aga: The program I am developing is designed to help companies in the healthcare industry improve employee wellness and reduce stress. I am currently trialling it within the NHS, and I am excited about the potential impact it could have.


IS: What specific benefits have you gained from the program?

Aga: The program has helped me clarify my vision and values for my business, which has been a game-changer for me. I've been able to leverage my unique skills and expertise to stand out in the market and develop a program aimed at larger companies, which I'm currently trialling within the NHS.

I've also been able to save time by reducing my focus on social media, which can be a real time-drain for small business owners. And through working with Pam in one-to-one sessions, I've gained a much better understanding of my own abilities and the market I'm working in. Participating in the group with other entrepreneurs has also been incredibly helpful, as I've been able to reflect on my own journey and gain insights from others.


IS: What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs who are struggling with their businesses?

Aga: I would definitely recommend seeking out business mentorship and joining a small business accelerator like the Inspiration Space. These programs can be invaluable in terms of business plan development, validating business ideas, minimising business risks, and network building for entrepreneurs.

It's also important to focus on your own strengths rather than trying to copy the successes of others. Develop a clear vision and values for your business to guide your decisions and actions, and don't get too caught up in social media.

Participate in reflective group experiences to gain insights and learn from others' journeys as entrepreneurs. With the right support and guidance, you can transform a struggling business into a successful one.


Six Lessons Learned

  1. Focus on your own strengths rather than copying the successes of others.
  2. Seek out business mentorship and join a small business accelerator to gain support and guidance.
  3. Develop a clear vision and values for your business to guide your decisions and actions.
  4. Leverage your unique skills and expertise to stand out in the market.
  5. Don't get too caught up in social media, as it can be a time drain and not necessarily effective for all businesses.
  6. Participate in reflective group experiences to gain insights and learn from others' journeys as entrepreneurs.

As Aga's story shows, with the right support and guidance, you can achieve your business goals and make your entrepreneurial dreams a reality.

Looking for a business plan? New Beginnings is better. Find out how we can accelerate you.



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