
Beyond the Ordinary: 4 Business Networks That Will Change Your Game

marketing networking reccomendations Jan 28, 2024

Building and nurturing a solid network with genuine people can open doors to new opportunities, provide support, and offer valuable insights.

In business (and life), the people you know can make a big difference. 

There is a wealth of online, hybrid and IRL communities to choose from - here are 4 inclusive networks we LOVE that will elevate your connections game. Your network is your net worth - invest in yours. 



HubDot is a vibrant and inclusive community that redefines traditional networking.

What makes HubDot extraordinary is its focus on storytelling and the celebration of individual journeys.

Unlike conventional networking events, HubDot gatherings encourage members to share their personal stories, aspirations, and challenges, fostering genuine connections based on empathy and understanding. 

They host monthly online "Piazza Pop-ins" and IRL events too. See what it's all about →



KindCommunity is like a supercharged hub where creative geniuses, growth hackers, and climate champions unite to make positive waves. 

Founders building in Health & Beauty, Tech, Fashion, Community and Wellbeing, plus an active investor network here.

Kind regularly hosts in-person events in London and URL meet-ups, too. 

When you join Kind, you're in good company. Experience it yourself →.


The Startup Community (TSC)

The Startup Community (TSC) is a 'new kid on the block.' 

The former Community Manager of Trends founded this highly curated community for forward-thinking startups, indie hackers and disruptive small businesses. 

With a global reach and a strong US presence, it's the perfect place to expand your circle and boost your visibility.

There are ample opportunities to speak at events, participate in monthly networking events, and be featured in educational events, among other exciting opportunities. Apply to join →


Enterprise Nation

Enterprise Nation is an exceptional community for startups and small businesses.

Becoming an Enterprise Nation advisor member elevates your visibility, builds credibility, and showcases your expertise.

Think of it as a way to 10X your marketing for only £20 per month. Learn more →

Get The Good News 

In a world awash with information, distinguishing between fleeting fads and transformative trends is more challenging than ever. Sign-up for "The Good News" - your monthly compass in the chaos. 

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