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How to Get Paid to Speak

marketing public speaking side hustle Jul 18, 2023

Your journey as a paid speaker starts here. To delve deeper into the world of professional speaking, check out this masterclass.

Are you dreaming of turning your passion for speaking into a thriving, lucrative business? If you've been wondering how you can get paid for doing what you love, look no further.

Lovelda Vincenzi, an international MC and host, shares her journey from healthcare sales to becoming a renowned international speaker.

Her unique journey is full of insights that are both enlightening and relatable, especially for those on the verge of taking that first step towards a speaking career.

Lovelda didn’t start out with a grand plan to become a speaker. She worked in healthcare for years, selling into professionals. Yet, it was this experience that helped her kickstart a lucrative career on centre stage.

Keep reading for five simple steps you can take to minimise the cost of learning through mistakes, then take a deep dive and watch the full masterclass with Lovelda below.

Start Smart

Starting your journey as a paid speaker can seem challenging, but with the right approach and a clear strategy, you can turn your passion into a lucrative career.

The road may appear long and winding, but with the correct map and guide, your passion can quickly become a successful profession.

Start smart with these five simple yet transformative steps:

Treat it Like a Business: Your speaking engagement isn't just a side hustle. Treat it as a business from the start. Be professional, structured, and serious about it.

Showcase Your Skills: Capture your speaking engagements in videos, images and testimonials. Create a compelling portfolio showcasing your speaking skills, your energy on stage, and the impact you create.

Create a Niche: Understand that every profession has its language and unique challenges. Create a niche by speaking the language of your target audience. Your ability to relate to them will make you stand out.

Negotiate Your Fee: With your sales background, don't shy away from negotiating your fee. Remember, the value you bring to an event is substantial and you should be compensated accordingly.

Invest in Marketing: Your first few speaking engagements are marketing opportunities. Even if they don't pay much, use them to build your profile, connect with larger audiences, and gain credibility in your niche.

Take a Deep Dive

Your journey as a paid speaker starts here. These tips are just the beginning.

To delve deeper into the world of professional speaking and gain game-changing insights, check out this Masterclass.Discover how to take your speaking career to new heights.


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