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Coldplay Leaps Towards Net-Zero: What You Need to Know

carbon literacy strategy sustainability Jul 21, 2023

Coldplay's 'Music of the Spheres' world tour is rewriting the rule book on sustainable entertainment, utilising green technology and high-profile partnerships to dramatically slash their carbon emissions and releasing an impact report to aid transparency.

Adopting a threefold strategy to reduce, reinvent, and restore, the band is proving that live events can - and must - change to face the escalating climate crisis.

Those in the events industry must heed this development or risk being left behind.


Why it matters 👉 Coldplay's move toward sustainability is a stark wake-up call for the events industry. As sustainable business become the norm, companies that fail to act will soon be seen as outdated and irrelevant.

Pay attention to 👀 Increased scrutiny or requests for the sustainability plans of events professionals. Coldplay's approach provides a blueprint for change, yet it's only the start of a broader, industry-wide transformation that must happen. Are you ready to take the first step, or will you let the future of events pass you by?


Source: Sustainability Magazine

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